It is our desire to come alongside parents, partnering with them in the spiritual development of their children.  We recognize that each family is unique and that each child's journey of faith is just as unique. Each child is a special creation with giftings, talents and abilities all of their own.  God's interaction with every little heart and mind is different.  Our goal is to create spaces and opportunities through worship, teaching, service, community and discipleship for the Holy Spirit to teach and guide each young heart as He will.  

Our Sunday School runs during the church service, kids are signed in before church and dismissed after worship at the beginning of the service to go downstairs. Classrooms are all labeled and there will be a supervisor who can help kids find their classroom as follows: Nursery (0 months - 2 years), Preschool/Kindergarten, Grade 1/2/3, Grades 4-6. Over the summer we are running large group and the nursery is open for parents to hang out with their young ones. There is a TV in there that livestreams the service so you are still able to hear the sermon. Over the school year we run the classrooms and have the nursery staffed.

The safety of our children is of top priority to Place to Grow.  Each volunteer is screened through an interview process, a police record check, references and is trained in our child safety policies.  Children up to the end of Grade 4 are required to be signed in and out of ministry events and registration is encouraged.  The registration form is one form per family and can be found below.  You are welcome to print it off, fill it out and sign the back and bring it with you to give to the supervisor on that day or email it to!