Lakewood’s 50th Anniversary
Last weekend, we celebrated our 50th Anniversary as a church family with fun, food, games, a time to reflect, and a morning of inspiration. It began on Saturday with an Amazing Race all over Prince George that tested the physical endurance and mental fortitude of teams as they completed various tasks in locations connected with our city and church’s history. During the race, there was a social time back at the church for those not wanting to race, which many people from Lakewood’s past and present were able to enjoy. Saturday evening we enjoyed a wonderful banquet with friends, a delicious Thanksgiving dinner, a stirring talk from Mark Wessner and a blessing from Ed Drewlo, then capped it off with a fireworks display (thanks Gary & Greg). It was a good time of reflection and celebration of the story of God here at Lakewood over the past 50 years.
Sunday morning we turned our eyes forward to the next 50 years. We had the privilege of having our C&MA President, David Hearn, here to preach and challenge us to Bold Faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. May God stir us up and empower us for what he’s doing in the days ahead!
We concluded our weekend with lunch together. Many people stayed to visit and continued to reminisce and enjoy the goodness of our God.
THANK YOU to all who worked so hard to bring together this celebration and to those who came and made it such a wonderful weekend. May God continue to tell a wonderful story of grace through this Lakewood family for many years to come!