Join us for a month of prayer and fasting through January.

Throughout the month, we are asking that you join together in praying for some shared prayer requests as well as personal requests you'd like to seek God about. We will be providing time for shared prayer each week, some space for personal prayer throughout the month, and a shared time of fasting. Here are some ways you can get involved and the shared requests we'd ask you to pray for.

Vision Prayer:

O God with all our hearts we long for you.

Come transform us to be Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused people

multiplying disciples everywhere.

Lakewood Corporate Prayer Requests:

  • That we would understand and live out of our transformed identity in Christ. (Col.1.13-14)

  • That both of our Sunday services would be full by the end of 2025 of people becoming disciples of Jesus and experiencing authentic community with one another. (Mt.28.18-20)

  • That everyone at Lakewood would be filled and walk in step with the Holy Spirit. (Lk.11.13)

  • That we would see God’s Kingdom as our first priority, and not an add-on. (Mt.6.33)

  • That our church would be a place of healing for those with illness, mental health challenges, addictions, and oppression as people encounter Jesus. (Lk.4.18-19)

Opportunities to Pray

  • Weekly on Wednesday evenings, 6:15-7:15pm
  • During the week in the Sanctuary (call or email ahead to arrange a time)
  • Prayer & Worship Night February 2 @6:30pm

Church-Wide Food Fast

We encourage those who are able to join in one of our church-wide food fasts and expect to see God do great things in your life and in our church.

  • 1 Day Fast on Wednesday, January 15
  • 3 Day Fast From Monday, January 13 to Wednesday, January 15
  • 7 Day Fast from Thursday, January 9 to Wednesday, January 15

Digital Disengagement 

During our month of prayer and fasting, we want to encourage you to get off screens for 1 waking hour/day, and we want to add a challenge. If you can do at least 20/31 days of January, you will be eligible to have your name put in a draw for a $75 gift card to Mr Mikes on February 2nd! For ease of tracking, download the file below.