Have you been wondering what the prayer nights are like on Wednesday nights? Maybe the idea of sitting and praying for an hour is intimidating. What do you even say to God for an hour? Prayer night is designed in a way to help alleviate those fears. Here’s how the hour goes.
We pause to be quiet with the Lord. Then we read a passage of scripture praising God and spend time in quiet thanking God for all the things he is doing in our lives. After a bit, the leader will ask if anyone has something they would like to share. We repeat this process with a passage of confession followed by quiet confession and then a passage about God’s provision followed by quiet personal requests.
After we have spent this time in quiet with the Lord, we talk through any particular requests we have for the church and send everyone out in the building for 15-20 minutes to sit/stand/walk while praying through the requests. Then we gather back and we share anything the Lord has laid upon our hearts.
If that sounds doable, we would love to have you join us from 6:15 - 7:15 Wednesday night!